Grow Your Savings Smarter
Earn up to 6.00% APY *on your first $2,000 with SmartStart Savings. Your pathway to smarter saving and financial growth. If you’re just getting started or adding to a small nest egg, this account is designed to help you grow your money faster. Just one dollar at a time. Earn more with less.
Make the smart move for your financial future—open a SmartStart Savings and watch your savings soar.
Grow Your Savings Smarter
Earn up to 6.00% APY *on your first $2,000 with SmartStart Savings. Your pathway to smarter saving and financial growth. If you’re just getting started or adding to a small nest egg, this account is designed to help you grow your money faster. Just one dollar at a time. Earn more with less.
Make the smart move for your financial future—open a SmartStart Savings and watch your savings soar.
Why Choose SmartStart?
SmartStart is more than just a savings account—it’s a smarter way to save. Here’s why:
- High APY: Earn an outstanding blended Annual Percentage Yield (APY), improve your growth potential.
- No Minimum Balance: Every dollar you save works harder for you.
- No Hidden Fees: Keep more of what you save with no monthly maintenance fees or unexpected charges.
For more information, contact a Member Service Representative at 513-241-2050.
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
SmartStart Savings Blended APY Calculator
*This Calculator is for illustrative purposes only and does not reflect the actual results of specific deposit amounts. Interest paid at tier rates on balances within each tier. Total interest paid is the sum from each tier. Blended APY shown assumes the amount entered is in the account for one year. Withdrawing funds before one year will result in a different realized rate.
Tiered Rates Breakdown
Tier 1 $0 - $2000.00 Earns 6.00% APY*
Tier 2 $2000.01 - $5000.00 Earns 2.00% APY*
Tier 3 $5000.01 - $10,000.00 Earns 1.00% APY*
Tier 4 $10,000.01 - $25,000.00 Earns 0.10% APY*
Tier 5 $25,000.01 + Earns 0.05% APY*
*Annual Percentage Yield